WebSell Integrated eCommerce

With WebSell Integrated eCommerce and your Retail Management Hero (RMH) system combined, you can share sales data, customer info, and inventory levels between your POS terminals and online store. Discover the complete integrated solution for RMH.


Your POS solution has worked well for your business, but are you maximizing your return? With WebSell’s integrated eCommerce solution, you can connect the sales and customer information gathered by your POS terminals to your online store to ensure customers have a seamless experience from store to web. When an integrated solution does not back up your business, customers will be left with a disconnected shopping experience, where each channel presents different and sometimes incorrect information.

NitroSell Features

Today’s customer expects the same seamless shopping experience no matter where or how they choose to interact with your brand. A solution integrated with your in-store or back-office retail operations opens a world of opportunities from a sales, marketing, and customer-facing perspective. From discounts and order history to tailored offers, when all your data is centralized on one platform, you can reward your customers by giving them a unified, omnichannel experience.

  • Seamlessly Synchronize: WebSell’s integration uses the powerful back-office capabilities of RMH and RMS to become the backbone of your online store. A unified retail commerce system eliminates errors and delays at every customer touch-point by storing all product information and inventory levels in one database, so you’ll never sell an item you don’t have in stock.
  • Reduce Costs: Reduce costs spent on unnecessary IT labor to synchronize your POS terminals with your online storefront. WebSell gives you the tools to effectively manage your store from one platform, saving your business time and money so you can focus on delivering value.
  • Customize Your Store: Fully customize your web store with branded designs and mobile responsive templates. Ensure all your customer touch-points are consistent throughout your brand so customers have a seamless experience whenever they interact with your business.
  • Accelerate Growth: Unlock the power and value in your RMH system with WebSell’s integrated solution. Increase customer retention by harnessing your sales data to deliver tailored offers to specific customers. Grow your business by delivering a cross-channel customer experience.

WebSell is committed to making the implementation and training process as simple as possible. Be sure to check out their video guide to RMH integration.

A unified commerce strategy isn’t just another thing you need to worry about, it’s the only thing.

Contact our team today via the form below to connect with us and learn how WebSell Integrated eCommerce can work for you!

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